Open Night Wednesday 14 August 2024 6pm Headmaster's Address

Māori Achievement

Māori Success

 Kahuranaki te maunga

Ngaruroro te awa

Takitimu te waka

Nga Tama Tane o Heretaunga te kura

Tihei Mauri ora

 The future of New Zealand lies in the education of our young men and women.  Nowhere, more important, is the education of our Māori Students.  Too often, throughout schools in this country we are seeing Māori students achieving rates below others and too often we are seeing Māori students leaving school without the qualifications they deserve or need.

At Hastings Boys' High School we have taken the challenge of raising Māori achievement seriously.  We have in place an expectation of Māori achievement based on potential, not deficit.  We have in place a curriculum and a committed teaching staff who have produced results, the envy of all schools.

Hastings Boys' High School is proud to offer programmes focused on raising Māori achievement and we see these as  important tools in becoming a school which is the best school for all students.

Q A Crawford B.Ed., T.T.C., Dip.Tchg.Acting Headmaster