Open Night Wednesday 14 August 2024 6pm Headmaster's Address

Mission Statement and School Charter

Hastings Boys' High School upholds the finest traditions of education and is seen as an innovative leader in quality boys' education.

In a stimulating, supportive environment, all students will be given the opportunity to become confident, connected, life-long learners and to develop as future leaders of our community.

School Wide Charter Goals 2024:

  1. To maintain or improve on 2023 NCEA Level of achievement at Levels 1, 2 and 3 and University Entrance, where achievement for all students including Māori and Pacific is equitable. This is to include improvements in Merit and Excellence endorsement.

  2. Attendance of students is 90% at all levels.

  3. Sustain the Akina Man values through character education impacting positively on student well-being.

  4. Improve Junior Achievement with a focus on reading in all subjects, at all levels.

  5. Focus on the integration of digital technology into teaching and learning in years 9/10.
  6. Strengthen the foundations of a successful Kāhui Ako partnership.