Open Night Wednesday 14 August 2024 6pm Headmaster's Address

School Colours

The award of the Colour is to recognise a boy's contribution to the school in a particular area.  Only full colour awards are given to senior students (Year 12 and 13).  Year 9, 10 and 11 students will receive a junior colour certificate. First and second year tiered awards will be given to reflect consistency of service over time.

Nominations for the award will be made by the supervising teacher of the activity.  These will be considered by the Awards Committee who will make recommendations for awards to the Headmaster. Awards will only be distributed three times throughout the year at the special Colours assemblies.

There will be five broad categories within which awards will be made:

  • Leadership
  • Sport
  • Academic
  • Culture
  • Community

NB: The awards will not be made to a boy if basic School Rules are not followed (discipline, attendance – including attendance at practices, uniform, behaviour). Students need to have met Akina Man Values and demonstrated a firm commitment to Hastings Boys' High School.

Applications are to be submitted to the school office.  Forms are available from the office and downloaded from here.

Honours Caps, Ties and Blazers

Honours Caps
Will be presented to Year 13 Students, who must have played consistently a minimum of 2 years and must have no pastoral or attendance concerns. These are available for 1st XV Rugby, 1st XI Cricket, 1st XI Football, 1st XI Hockey and Senior Premier Basketball. Other codes can be considered on merit. Due consideration must be given to long term service, commitment to the team and leadership on and off the field.

Honours Tie
Will be presented sparingly, and only to Year 12 or 13 students, with the following as guidelines:

  • Head Boy
  • Dux
  • A minimum of three colours but from two different areas
  • Sportsman of the Year
  • National representation in culture (committee decision)
  • National sports representation at age group level (committee decision)

Ā​​​​​​​kina Honours Blazer
Hastings Boys’ High School aims to recognise excellence across the whole range of activities available to students at Hastings Boys’ High School, with a view to confirming the pursuit of excellence and the building of self-esteem in students.  Students must receive an Honours Tie before being eligible for an Honours Blazer.